Lucy Millsott Organic Hair | Bournemouth

The range of Organic hair colours, shampoos, conditioners and hair styling products I use are free from harsh chemicals such as ammonia resorcinol and parabens and have been developed using natural products.
Using natural products instead of these harsh chemicals does not compromise at all on quality or results and provides a sager and more pleasant environment both for our clients and stylists.
The organic hair colouring range is the first range of long-lasting, permanent hair colours containing certified organic extracts and natural ingredients which have been formulated to cover all grey hair. We can create infinite natural tones and exciting fashion colours. This ammonia-free hair colour maintains the hair’s essential moisture and protein levels, so the hair is not damaged by the colouring process.
The Organic Colour System
Organic Colour Systems is exactly that, a ‘System’. Designed to work within the hair’s optimum pH levels, our range of products work harmoniously with one another to give you beautiful hair colour without damage.
Animal Welfare
Organic Colour Systems products have NEVER been tested on animals.
They are internationally recognised by animal welfare organisations 'Choose Cruelty Free' and PETA and support causes which seek to abolish animal testing across the world.
The range of high performance, professional salon products are packed full of high grade, natural and certified organic ingredients, which nourish and strengthen the hair during colouring. Uniquely, our permanent colour works at a lower level pH than traditional chemical colours, meaning that there is no damage to the hair and absolutely no ammonia.